Pipe Support

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Pipe support is one of the important and an integral part in the piping system which have the main job to control the weight effect of the piping system and make sure that the piping system will be properly supported for the entire its operation at any condition in order to avoid a mechanical failure of the metal due to excessive stress in pipe supporting elements. Pipe support must be placed in a location that allows it to be properly installed, such as not too close to the valves, avoid near the weld joint, and as much as possible near the structure to provide logical and convenient point of support, anchorage, guidance, limit stop, restraint, with adequate space available at such point for the use of a proper pipe support component.

It is also important to note here that the involvement of piping stress engineer at the early stage of the project, such as during FEED and early detail design is crucial by working works together with piping designer to locate and identify pipe support type and location for lines connected to compressors, gas turbine, and other critical lines and critical equipment.

Pipe Support can be categorized into two main groups, namely:

  1. Standard Pipe Support,
  2. Special Pipe Support.

In this course, we will learn about all of stuff related to piping systems starting with pipe material, pipe components or pipe fittings, valves and pipe supports. As for piping stress, it will present into different course with title as: Introduction to Piping Stress Analysis.

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