Pipe Fittings

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In the history of human life that has been going on for tens of thousands of years, the art of designing and building a network of Piping has been known for centuries. Initially, the piping system was widely used by the community for irrigation purposes in agriculture, using pipes made from bamboo, as was done by people in China approximately between 3000 and 2000 BC. Along with the advancement of human culture, the wider the use of pipes in various aspects of their lives. But it was only in the 19th century, the developments in the field of pipe technology occurred very rapidly.

A Piping system consists of a combination of pipes, pipe components, flanges, gasket, bolts, valves, which they are interconnecting to form a piping system, while pipe support will make the piping system a complete system which can deliver the fluid from point A to point B. In this course, we will be learning about pipe and its component starting with the lesson about pipe, followed by pipe components, pipe flanges and then closing with the bolts and gaskets.

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